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Керамічний Пуровер Dripper 300мл
Керамічний Пуровер Dripper 300мл
Керамічний Пуровер Dripper 300мл
Керамічний Пуровер Dripper 300мл

Керамічний Пуровер Dripper 300мл

  • The dripper is a convenient device for brewing coffee using the alternative pour over method.
220,00 ГРН
чистий / шт.
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Dripper is a convenient and easy-to-use device that makes pour over coffee brewing simple. An essential gadget in the kitchen of every alternative style coffee lover! The brewer is made of ceramic. The inner side of its walls is equipped with grooves that facilitate the flow of water. The brewer has a characteristic conical shape. It is finished with a base at the bottom and has a comfortable handle. Its advantage is not only the convenience of brewing coffee, but also easy maintenance – after use, simply rinse it under running water or wash it in the dishwasher.

Additional informations:

Dimensions: 9x12cm

Capacity: approx. 300ml

Material: ceramic

Brewing coffee in a drip – how to do it?

  1. Place the filter in the dripper and set it on a vessel – a special server or a regular mug from which you will drink your coffee.
  2. Pour in coarsely ground coffee at a ratio of 6g per 100ml of water.
  3. Slowly pour water over the coffee at a temperature of approximately 90-95°C.
  4. Brew the coffee for approximately 3-4 minutes.
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